4 Replies to “Groupes politiques”

  1. There is an invisible wall that we all must break in order to conquer our forefathers’ vision. Not breaking this wall will only put all Haitian at a set back. One may ask what this great wall is. To find such answer we must search deep into our soul. We must find the answer we seek through payers, candidness, and with a great deal of affection. Conquering Haiti is not an impossible task. We all must come together as one to make it possible. The wealth of the country can be share by all. To have this wealth we have to start educating the young so they can prosper and cherish and cater to the old for the wisdom they have blessed us with. Not all can be conquered but if we start with just a handful we can reach many. This can be an epidemic that all Haitian and descendant will be able to apprehend. We have to continue to go strong. No amount of words can make things change however action taking by a few can be limitless. Please make the difference. at least that's a start.


  2. Je tiens à convoquer une réunion avec le Président et les membres disponibles pour discuter de certaines préoccupations environnementales. Questions qui affectent non seulement notre curb appel comme un pays mais la plupart surtout la santé de nos concitoyens ; j'espère que nous pourrons réfléchir à venir avec un consensus sur la manière de résoudre les problèmes à portée de main.

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